How we deal with complaints

If you have a complaint

We’re sorry you’re not happy. We work hard to give everyone a great service, but sometimes things can go wrong. If they do, we want to know so we can make it right and stop it happening again.

Here’s how to complain and what to expect when you get in touch with us.

Step 1: Tell us about the problem.

Please get in touch to tell us what’s gone wrong. There are lots of ways to do this:

Step 2: We’ll look into your problem and get back to you.

One of our energy experts will investigate your complaint. We might ask you for more details if we need them.

Once we’ve investigated, we’ll be back in touch to explain what’s happened and what we’re going to do about it.

We aim to come back to you within two working days, but it can take a bit longer if it’s more complex. We’ll keep you updated along the way.

If you’re a third-party intermediary, with a valid letter of authority and you are raising a complaint on behalf of a customer or customers we will also follow this process. We will communicate directly with the customer and you about the complaint.

If you are a customer and your complaint is about the conduct of a third-party intermediary you will need to complain to them directly. They will have their own complaints handling procedure and may be part of their own alternative dispute resolution scheme find out more here.

Step 3: Still not happy? Give us another chance to make it right.

If you’re not happy with our response, please let us know. Another member of our team will look into it to make sure we’ve been fair and to try to find a solution you’re happy with

Step 4: Go to the Energy Ombudsman.

The Energy Ombudsman is free, independent and impartial. They’re there to help if:

  • You are a Small Business Customer, a Micro-Business Customer or a Domestic Consumer of electricity; and

  • Eight weeks have passed and your complaint hasn’t been resolved, or

  • You’re still not happy after receiving a final offer letter from us

How to get in touch:

They’ll investigate for you and in certain circumstances decide on how to resolve the complaint. We have to follow any decision they make.

Paying your bills while we work on your complaint

While we investigate your complaint, don’t stop paying any bills we send you.

  • If you stop paying, you could face extra costs, interest and as a last resort disconnection.

  • Disputing a bill? You’ll still need to pay the undisputed amount while we work to resolve your complaint.

By keeping your account up-to-date you’ll avoid additional charges and we’ll be able to resolve your complaint faster.

If you have any concerns, let us know. We’re here to help.

If you need independent advice

If you’d like some free and independent energy advice and support, you can talk to Citizens Advice:

England and Wales: or call 0808 223 1133 (free)

Scotland: Citizens Advice: